Harmony and Balance

Hello! I'm Maria Paula Sighinolfi

Throughout my life and my personal experience with addiction processes and the tireless search to find answers about myself, I embarked on a journey through the numbers that led me to overcome the limits imposed by my mind.

We come to life with a name, surnames and we are born on a certain day, with a special energy and that is our map for the magic of self-knowledge.

Through humanistic Numerology I invite you to take a walk inside yourself, to help you understand who you are, where you come from and where you are going.

With the information and practice received, you will be able to listen and understand the deep desires of your Soul and you will become responsible for your own path.

This tool provides you with the keys to open the doors you need to move forward and you will be able to clearly evidence your gifts, helping you to release your blocks or ancestral fears.

Maria Paula Sighinolfi
How can I help you?

How can I help you?

In this wonderful journey to your interior you will discover:

Your Mission



Way of life



Ancestral Family Heirlooms

Key Areas (Personality, Expression, Strength Number).

The Unconscious that represents 80% of our Being and it is precisely there where the great potential of gifts and possibilities to grow is.

  • Humanistic numerology in the light of the tree of life and the Hebrew letters
  • Usui and Kahuna Reiki level 1,2,3
  • Hooponopono
  • Ayurvedic Nutrition
  • Tony Robbins “Unleash the power within”
  • Ovarian Breathing
  • Prime


1 Session

$74 USD

$280.000 COP


Schedule session

Schedule a session

How to schedule a session?

Select your schedule

For your convenience, we have flexible hours.

Make the payment

Make your payments in an easy, comfortable, and safe way.

Connect to your session

Friendly, secure, and private platform.


Benefits of online sessions

You optimize your time, avoid trips and waiting times.

Wide time flexibility.

Greater privacy and trust, only you and the professional are there.

The therapy monitoring capacity improves and communication with the professional is personalized and continuous.

There are no geographical limits.

Online sessions are cheaper, you avoid time and travel expenses.

More accessible to people with reduced mobility.

It offers the same efficiency and results as face-to-face processes.