Harmony and Balance

Hello! I'm Julian Saldarriaga

Through my personal experience with panic and anxiety attacks, I have spent the last 10 years learning about the human mind through different non-traditional techniques that connect us with our higher self and our heart.

Music therapy, coaching and yoga are the greatest tools that I always try to teach my patients, since not only do we have to change patterns of the mind, but also our lives to generate a full, healthy and emotionally calm life.

In each therapy that you will accompany me, you will be able to find Healing through music therapy, where we will heal your physical and emotional body, reprogramming your cells.

With the word, we will use coaching to recognize what we normally don’t know about our lives and how habits generate changes.

With yoga we will honor ourselves, developing discipline with our practices and meditation exercises.

Julian Saldarriaga


Basic pranic healing
Advanced pranic healing
Pranic healing with crystals
Mastery in kundalini yoga
Stress and vitality kundalini yoga
Master in gong therapy
Reiki usui y kahuna 1
Tonny Robbins “unleashed the power within
Mindfulness meditation
Healing crystal skulls
Music therapy ancestral sounds


1 Session

$53 USD

$200.000 COP

4 Sessions

$185 USD

$700.000 COP


Schedule session

Schedule a session

How to schedule a session?

Select your schedule

For your convenience, we have flexible hours.

Make the payment

Make your payments in an easy, comfortable, and safe way.

Connect to your session

Friendly, secure, and private platform.


Benefits of online sessions

You optimize your time, avoid trips and waiting times.

Wide time flexibility.

Greater privacy and trust, only you and the professional are there.

The therapy monitoring capacity improves and communication with the professional is personalized and continuous.

There are no geographical limits.

Online sessions are cheaper, you avoid time and travel expenses.

More accessible to people with reduced mobility.

It offers the same efficiency and results as face-to-face processes.