Emotional well-being and Personal Growth

Hello! I am Eliana Jaramillo

Speech therapist, with training in Neurodevelopment, working for more than 25 years in the educational sector and in private practice, carrying out evaluation, intervention and monitoring of children from 2 to 16 years of age.

I specialize in addressing the areas of language, speech, thinking and literacy code, as well as in the development of preventive and educational projects.

The knowledge from extensive experience allows me to help your child, in the development and improvement of their linguistic abilities, immature phonological processes, thought processes and alterations of the reading and writing language, both at an automatic and comprehensive level, transversally strengthening attention and memory fundamental devices, in all learning.

During the intervention process I accompany the family, guiding them, so that they are participants in the process of their child and I attend the scheduled school follow-ups.

Eliana Jaramillo
How can I help you?

How can I help you?

Language immaturity or disorder

Immaturity or difficulties in thought processes (analysis, synthesis, argumentation, prediction, evaluative judgment)

Development or alteration in the reading-writing code (phonological awareness, visuospatial gnosis, mechanical reading, reading comprehension, automatic writing and written production (narrative)

Problems of articulation

Strategies and study methods



Speech therapist Universidad del Rosario


1 session

Group (maximum 2 children per session)

$28 USD

$110.000 COP



$172 USD

$660.000 COP


Schedule session

Schedule a session

How to schedule a session?

Select your schedule

For your convenience, we have flexible hours.

Make the payment

Make your payments in an easy, comfortable, and safe way.

Connect to your session

Friendly, secure, and private platform.


Benefits of online sessions

You optimize your time, avoid trips and waiting times.

Wide time flexibility.

Greater privacy and trust, only you and the professional are there.

The therapy monitoring capacity improves and communication with the professional is personalized and continuous.

There are no geographical limits.

Online sessions are cheaper, you avoid time and travel expenses.

More accessible to people with reduced mobility.

It offers the same efficiency and results as face-to-face processes.