Emotional well-being and Personal Growth

¡Hello! I am Adriana Pinilla

Occupational Therapist from the Universidad del Rosario, certified in Sensory Integration and graduated in Neuroevolutionary Fundamentals of Development and Learning Disorders.

With more than 20 years of experience in the educational sector, participating in programs to stimulate and develop occupational skills, training seminars for parents and teachers, project design and inclusion processes.

I have extensive experience in private practice in child population focused on the stimulation and development of sensory and motor skills; evaluation, intervention and monitoring of occupational alterations that may affect the functionality, autonomy and performance both in the preschool and school stages of their children.

I work hand in hand with families accompanying them in the parenting processes, giving strategies on habits and routines, effective management of the environment, finding spaces for play and connection to strengthen the bond with their children.

I provide advice to school environments guiding teachers to understand the particular needs and characteristics of children, generating joint strategies that facilitate their active participation in the classroom and promote their comprehensive development. Likewise, support in the analysis of school environments, adaptations and reasonable adjustments, to ease the learning process.

Adriana Pinilla Castro


1 Session

1 hour

$25 USD

$90.000 COP

5 sessions

1 hour each session

$150 USD

$550.000 COP


Schedule session

Schedule a session

How to schedule a session?

Select your schedule

For your convenience, we have flexible hours.

Make the payment

Make your payments in an easy, comfortable, and safe way.

Connect to your session

Friendly, secure, and private platform.


Benefits of online sessions

You optimize your time, avoid trips and waiting times.

Wide time flexibility.

Greater privacy and trust, only you and the professional are there.

The therapy monitoring capacity improves and communication with the professional is personalized and continuous.

There are no geographical limits.

Online sessions are cheaper, you avoid time and travel expenses.

More accessible to people with reduced mobility.

It offers the same efficiency and results as face-to-face processes.