
We identify in a timely manner the need to modify eating habits and adopt healthy lifestyles.

We advise you with the calculation of your nutritional needs in the different stages of your life (pregnancy and menopause, among others), as well as in the proper consumption of supplements.

We help you with issues of malnutrition, either due to overweight, underweight, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and cancer, among others.


Hello! I am Adriana Gutiérrez de López

Nutritionist – Dietitian, with more than 25 years of experience in guiding adult nutrition, with different requirements.

I advise you with the calculation of nutritional needs in pregnancy, lactation, menopause, aging, consumption of supplements and / or modules and sports among others.

I help you in the management of malnutrition either due to being overweight or underweight, intolerances, dyslipidemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypertension, gastrointestinal surgery, post-Covid nutritional recovery and cancer, among others, in order to naturally control the condition present and be able to lead a better quality of life.

A large part of my job as a Nutritional Coach is to identify in a timely manner the need to modify eating habits and lifestyles, in order to work together to prevent diseases and eat a healthy diet.

I am ready to advise you!

Adriana Gutiérrez de López


Dietitian nutritionist - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Nutritional Coach IAC - Barcelona España
Chief of the clinical nutritional department - Clinica Fray Bartolome Bogota
Experience in clinical nutrition - Fundación santafé de Bogota
Experience in nutritional oncology - Centro oncologico de bogota
Experience in nutritional recovery of the elderly - fundacion provida bogota
Food handling and human resources in food services and nutrition certificate


1 Session

$47 USD

$180.000 COP

3 Sesiones


$132 USD

$500.000 COP

1 Session

Nutritional assessment and two controls

$132 USD

$500.000 COP


Schedule session

Schedule a session

How to schedule a session?

Select your schedule

For your convenience, we have flexible hours.

Make the payment

Make your payments in an easy, comfortable, and safe way.

Connect to your session

Friendly, secure, and private platform.


Benefits of online sessions

You optimize your time, avoid trips and waiting times.

Wide time flexibility.

Greater privacy and trust, only you and the professional are there.

The therapy monitoring capacity improves and communication with the professional is personalized and continuous.

There are no geographical limits.

Online sessions are cheaper, you avoid time and travel expenses.

More accessible to people with reduced mobility.

It offers the same efficiency and results as face-to-face processes.